How to keep your child’s itching at bay with moisturisers


People dealing with dry and sensitive skin are very familiar with the use of emollients or moisturisers and are thankful that such products exist. It is not surprising that parents, in particular, consider them as “life savers” in their effort to improve their children’s dry and sensitive skin.

Emollients, or moisturisers as they’re commonly known, work by acting as a protective shield on the outer layer of the skin or the epidermis. It also works by helping the skin retain moisture and keeps it supple and healthy. For those who have dry and sensitive skin, moisturisers need to be a part of their daily skincare regimen.

Non-medicated moisturisers, like Ezerra Plus, are non-toxic and are completely safe to use even for small children. It can be applied to the skin as needed, at least 2 – 3 times a day, or as often as required to keep your child’s skin from getting dryer and thus, preventing it from getting itchy and irritated.

Here are some tips on how to maximise the effectiveness of the moisturiser that you are using on your child:

The perfect time to apply emollients is after bathing when the skin is slightly damp, and the water is still trapped in the skin.

  • Gently apply it to your child’s skin following the direction of the hair growth.
  • Rubbing it into the skin up and down is a big NO-NO because it can block hair follicles, can cause itchiness as well as generate heat in the skin.
  • Use it regularly even after redness has subsided to prevent it from coming again.
  • Ask your child’s paediatrician for the best type of moisturiser that your child can use.

Remember that different products have different levels of effectiveness and looking for the right product for your child’s needs takes time, but it is well worth the effort.

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