How To Cope With An Itching Scratching Child- Part 1



If you have a child who is always scratching and itching, it is important for you to develop some strategies to help your child cope.

The first thing you want to do is plan for different distraction techniques and implement one of the ideas at the first signs of itching.

Here’s how you can use this technique successfully.

Wait until you are both relaxed. Trying a list of creative ideas when one of you is stressed or distracted will not be nearly as fruitful. So when you are both in a calm and quiet place, try to think of a list of ideas for things you can do when your child starts to feel itchy. Have fun with it. Brainstorm ideas with your kid and write each one on a piece of paper. This can be anything from taking a dance break, drawing something, playing their favorite game, or using their hands to make something.

When there are different distractions listed, you can put each one on a card and put them in a box.

When your kid starts to feel a bit itchy, encourage him or her to reach inside the box, pull out a distraction card and do what’s written on it. This can be particularly helpful when your child is feeling frustrated. It may not take away the itch but it will keep your child distracted for a period of time which may be sufficient to stop that urge to scratch.

It’s also a good way to spend some quality time with your child in a fun way. As a rule of thumb, make sure the activity involves the use of both hands to keep your child from scratching that itch. Additionally, you can always make the activity more involving such as dancing or playing a video game for the best results.

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