4 Tips to Deal with Your Child’s Scratched Dry Skin

Deal with child's scratched dry skin

Did you know that hot weather triggers the itchy sensation of child’s dry skin? When their skin gets itchy, they tend to scratch a lot and sometimes we as parents might not even notice. When a child with irritated skin sweats a lot, their skin loses more water and this causes the skin to itch when it gets too dry. Sweating often leads to over-scratching the skin, sometimes up to the point it gets wounded. But fret not, follow these simple steps to handle scratched dry skin. 

1. Cool down 

Keep your child indoor because you do not want your child’s irritated skin to get triggered by the hot weather. Turn on the fan or air-conditioner to cool your child off. Remove any extra clothing your child is wearing. 

2. Cleanse 

A clean and cleansed scratched skin is the very first step to an optimal healing. It is very important to keep the scratched dry skin clean and moisturised. Ezerra Extra Gentle Cleanser is made just for that purpose. With the formulation that is 3-times-gentler compared to other cleansers in the market, this cleanser is as safe as water and cleanses without drying or irritating the skin. 

3. Moisturise regularly 

Once the scratched area is cleansed, pat dry with a clean towel. Next, apply Ezerra Plus Cream onto the area to strengthen the skin immunity against bacteria. With its triple-action formula, this cream is specially formulated for itchy scratched skin to boost the skin’s defense system against bacteria invasion, stop the itch, and also moisturise while calming the scratched skin. Use this cream on your child’s irritated skin regularly, at least twice daily to promote fast relief and reduce the risk of infection.

4. Keep an eye on your child 

Keeping child’s skin healthy can be tricky at times. Parents should keep an eye on the child and watch after them so they don’t scratch the concerned area again. 

It is important to regularly apply Ezerra Plus Cream to boost skin defense and to keep the skin hydrated. Remember to also dress your child in a breathable fabric so they feel more comfortable. 

Parents, if you are looking for Ezerra products, they are available at leading chain & independent pharmacies near you.

P/S: Watch our video commercial featuring Ezerra Plus Cream and how it come to rescue when your child’s dry and scratched skin getting out of control.

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