Ezerra Malaysia
People dealing with dry and sensitive skin are very familiar with the use of emollients or moisturisers and are thankful that such products exist. It is not surprising that parents, in particular, consider them as “life savers” in their effort to improve their children’s dry and sensitive skin. Emollients, or moisturisers as they’re commonly known, work by acting as a…
Dry and sensitive skin is not an easy condition and most parents know it, especially when they see their child’s skin decorated with red patches because of excessive scratching due to the persistent itch that they feel. It is frustrating and annoying not only for the little child who just wants to roll around the grass for a little but…
When dry and sensitive skin becomes red and the itch gets unbearable, it is virtually impossible to get your child to stop scratching. Moreover, heavy scratching can lead to the risk of bacteria getting under the skin. A distressing situation that is well worth preventing if possible, and easing if already present. Ezerra Plus Contains the Key Ingredient Stimutex-AS Ezerra…
Do you notice rough and scaly patches of skin on your baby’s scalp? As a new parent, this might cause a bit of concern. In most cases, however, there is nothing to worry about. This skin condition is called infantile seborrheic dermatitis, also referred to as cradle cap. In older kids and adults, the condition is called dandruff. What Is Infantile Seborrheic Dermatitis?…
While most parents consider itching to be a minor nuisance, the story is very different for dry and sensitive skin patients, particularly children. Itching prompts scratching that can be beneficial in getting rid of various irritants from skin. However, for children that suffer from dry and sensitive skin, stopping the scratch is a challenge. Scratching provides temporary relief but this relief…


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